HII-HPC Cluster
HII-HPC Cluster
Submitting a Slurm Job Array
Note: Please see the Slurm Job Array Documentation for additional information.
Slurm job arrays offer a mechanism for submitting and managing collections of similar jobs in a cohesive manner.
The most common application is for applying the same processing routine to a collection of multiple input data files without having to submit multiple jobs.
For a project which has a small number of variations a series of singleton Slurm jobs may be adequate, but as the variations increase in number, a Slurm job array is often the preferred solution.
Although you will submit a single sbatch script for a Slurm job array, Slurm will generate
multiple tasks off of the sbatch script which only differ in the environmental variable
which allows the job to know “Which one of the many I am.”
As an example, consider the following sbatch script hello-world-array.sh
#SBATCH --job-name=hello-world-array
#SBATCH --output=hello-world-array-%a.log
#SBATCH --array=1-4
#SBATCH --time=0-00:10
#SBATCH --partition=hii-test
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=1G
# Now run a program with ${task_number} as an argument to vary its input file, behavior, etc.
srun /bin/echo "task_number=${task_number}"
Submit the script as follows:
hii$ sbatch hello-world-array.sh
Submitted batch job 4504001
Once completed, the output from the task job can be enumerated via the head
hii$ head hello-world-array*.log
==> hello-world-array-1.log <==
==> hello-world-array-2.log <==
==> hello-world-array-3.log <==
==> hello-world-array-4.log <==