HII-HPC Cluster

Viewing Slurm Resources

For a quick overview of a partition:

hii$ sinfo --partition=hii02
hii02        up   infinite      1    mix svc-3024-1-11
hii02        up   infinite     39  alloc svc-3024-2-[1-8,11-15,18-24],svc-3024-4-[1-19]
hii02        up   infinite     42   idle svc-3024-3-[1-42]


  • idle - nodes totally available
  • mix[ed] - nodes are running other jobs but some resources are still available (non-allocated)
  • alloc[ated] - nodes are running other jobs and fully allocated

The above example shows that 42 nodes are completely available (idle), 1 node has some resources available (mixed), and 39 nodes are currently allocated and not available (alloc).

To view detailed information on a partition, here is a useful “power invocation” of sinfo giving additional memory and cpu information in a clean format:

hii$ sinfo --partition=<partition> --exact --format="%20P %8D %8c %12m %12a %12T %l"

For example this command shows all nodes in the hii02 partition:

hii$ sinfo --partition=hii02 --exact --format="%20P %8D %8c %12m %12a %12T %l"
PARTITION            NODES    CPUS     MEMORY       AVAIL        STATE        TIMELIMIT
hii02                2        12       64380        up           mixed        infinite
hii02                34       16       129018       up           mixed        infinite
hii02                2        28       1033723      up           mixed        infinite
hii02                18       20       128951       up           allocated    infinite
hii02                22       20       128951       up           idle         infinite
hii02                6        16       129018       up           idle         infinite

Show All HII-HPC Resources

Example to calculate the total CPUs and Memory for all HII partitions:

hii$ partitions=$( sinfo --format=%P | grep '^hii' | paste -sd ',' ); \
     sinfo --partition=${partitions} --exact --noheader --format="%D %c %m" \
     | awk '{cpus+=($1*$2); mem+=($1*$3)} END {print cpus " CPUs and " mem/2**20 " TB"}'

1664 CPUs and 12.672 TB