HII-HPC Cluster

Submitting a Slurm Job

A typical way of submitting a job to the HII-HPC Cluster is by writing a submission script. A submission script is a shell script, e.g. a Bash script, whose comments, if they are prefixed with SBATCH, are understood by Slurm as parameters describing resource requests and other submission options.

The script itself is a job step and other job steps are created inside the script with the srun command.

For instance, the following script, named hello-world.sh,


#SBATCH --job-name=hello-world               # Identifies a job-name for easy reference
#SBATCH --output=hello-world.log             # (%A: jobid)
#SBATCH --partition=hii-test                 # use "hii02" for production
#SBATCH --ntasks=1                           # number of tasks (default: 1)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1                    # (default: 1)
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G                     # memory per cpu
#SBATCH --time=0-00:20                       # time in the form <days>-<hours>:<minutes>
#SBATCH --mail-type=END                      # Email notification: BEGIN,END,FAIL,ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=dvader@hii-jedi.org      # Email address

srun hostname
srun sleep 60

would request:

  • On the partition hii-test (--partition=hii-test)
  • Run 1 Task (--ntasks=1)
  • with 1 CPU for the task (--cpus-per-task=1)
  • with 1 GB of Memory per CPU (--mem-per-cpu=1G)
  • with a maximum run time of 20 minutes (--time=0-00:20) before it is killed

When started, the job will run the first job step srun hostname launching the UNIX command hostname on the node on which the requested CPU was allocated.

Then, a second job step will start the sleep command.

The purpose of the --job-name parameter is to give a meaningful name to the job.

The purpose of the --output parameter is to give a file name to record output of the job (STDERR/STDOUT). The special symbols %A may be used to add the jobid to the filename.

Since jobs may take some time to be dispatched and/or run, you can provide --mail-user and --mail-type parameters to receive an e-mail notification when the job ends either in a COMPLETED or FAILED state.

Once the submission script is created, submit it to Slurm through the sbatch command, which, upon success, responds with the jobid attributed to the job.

$ sbatch hello-world.sh
sbatch: Submitted batch job 4834857

At this point, you may use the squeue command to view the current state of your job:

$ squeue -l -u $USER
Sun Oct  9 10:35:54 2016
4834857  hii-test hello-wo  dvader  RUNNING       0:15     20:00      1 svc-3024-5-30

The job will enter the queue first in the PENDING state and once resources become available an allocation is created for it and it goes to the RUNNING state.

If the job completes correctly, it goes to the COMPLETED state, otherwise, it is set to the FAILED state.

Once a job finishes you will no longer see it with the squeue command.

Use the sacct command providing it with the jobid that sbatch returned during job submission to review its exist status:

hii$ sacct -j 4834857
       JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
4834857      hello-wor+   hii-test        hii          1  COMPLETED      0:0
4834857.bat+      batch                   hii          1  COMPLETED      0:0
4834857.0      hostname                   hii          1  COMPLETED      0:0
4834857.1         sleep                   hii          1  COMPLETED      0:0

Upon completion, the output file (hello-world.log) contains the output of the commands run (hostname):

hii$ cat hello-world.log