HII-HPC Cluster
HII-HPC Cluster
Interactive Shell
Although it is possible to run interactive work on a head node, hii.rc.usf.edu
or hii2.rc.usf.edu
doing so may adversely affect others who are utilizing the system for its core functionality
of transferring and submitting jobs which are queued and dispatched to run on
compute nodes dedicated to running computationally-intensive work.
When it is necessary to run work interactively please use the Slurm partition hii-interactive
provides real-time sessions on a high-performance compute node.
To obtain an interactive session, run the following command modifying your CPU, memory, and time requirements as necessary.
srun --pty --partition=hii-interactive --cpus=4 --mem=30G --time=0-8 /bin/bash
In the following example, we request a shell on a compute node providing 4 Cores and 30GB of RAM for 8 hours from which we may run an interactive R session:
hii$ srun --pty --partition=hii-interactive --cpus=4 --mem=30G --time=0-8 /bin/bash
svc-3024-1-1$ module load apps/R/3.2.3
svc-3024-1-1$ R
> (run R commands and quit)
svc-3024-1-1$ exit
The interactive session will terminate when you exit the shell or the time limit you set expires.
You may use the --exclusive
option instead of specifying --cpus
and --mem
to ask for all resources on a node:
hii$ srun --pty --partition=hii-interactive --exclusive --time=0-8 /bin/bash
sinfo --partition=hii-interactive
to view availability of interactive nodes. -
was set-up to provide an interactive shell in a timely manner since no batch jobs should be running on thehii-interactive
partition, however if all nodes in thehii-interactive
partition are allocated, feel free to subsititute--partition=hii-test
in the examples but realize if a partition is saturated with batch-jobs your interactive session may wait many minutes or hours to start.