HII-HPC Cluster

High Memory Nodes

Two high-memory nodes have been recently added to the hii02 partition with the following characteristics:

  • CPU: 28 Xeon E5-2650 v4 @ 2.60GHz cores
  • RAM: 1 TB RAM @ 2400 MHz
  • Scratch Space: 3 TB RAID-0 Intel SSD NVMe (mounted on /tmp)

Please only utilize these nodes if you know you need these levels of resources above-and-beyond the normal 16 or 20 core nodes each available with 128 GB of RAM.

To utilize one of the high-memory nodes add the option --constraint=mem_1T or --constraint=fast_scratch to your your sbatch invocation.

Alternatively, if you specify a high-memory requirement (e.g. --mem=200G), Slurm will schedule your job on one of these nodes since they are the only resources likely available to satisfy the request.